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SQL |> F#: Simple & powerful data access for .NET

In the spirit of starting small and finishing big, we'll look at the simple task of working with a relational database. Rather than immediately reaching for one of the libraries like SqlProvider (which is an excellent tool, but not the point here), we'll stick to just basic ADO.NET.

FEBRUARY 28, 2020

To achieve a very useful module you actually need very little code, which is one of the major benefits of F# in my opinion. For our simple scope, we know we need:

To support the above syntax we'll create ourselves a module called SQL, import System.Data and for this example we'll use System.Data.SqlClient (though you could sub this with any vendor). Once we've gotten our dependencies imported, creating wrapper for ADO becomes trivial.

module Db

open System.Data
open System.Data.SqlClient

/// Create a new IDbCommand from SQL statement & parameters,
/// and execute against connection
let newCommand 
    (sql : string) 
    (parameters : seq<string * obj>) 
    (conn : IDbConnection) =        
    let createParameter (cmd: SqlCommand) (name : string, value : obj) =
        let p = cmd.CreateParameter()
        p.ParameterName <- name
        p.Value <- value

    let addParameter (cmd: SqlCommand) (p : SqlParameter) = 
        cmd.Parameters.Add(p) |> ignore

    let cmd = new SqlCommand(connection = conn, cmdText = sql)

    cmd.CommandType <- CommandType.Text        
    |> Seq.iter (fun p -> p |> createParameter cmd |> addParameter cmd)

/// Execute an IDbCommand that has no results
let exec 
    (sql : string) 
    (parameters : seq<string * obj>) 
    (conn : IDbConnection) =        
    let cmd = newCommand sql param conn

/// Execute an IDbCommand and map results during enumeration
let query 
    (sql : string) 
    (parameters : seq<string * obj>) 
    (map : IDataReader -> 'a) 
    (conn : IDbConnection) =        
    let cmd = newCommand sql param conn
    use rd = cmd.ExecuteReader()
    [ while rd.Read() do yield map rd ]</pre>

Notice that there is mutation happening here (anywhere you see <-). But that's okay because we've tucked it away and sand boxed it with a function wrapper.

So in about 40 lines of code we've created ourselves a small, well-understood and self documenting solution that can help us fully achieve the goal of interacting with a database. Pretty sweet!

If you find this approach helpful, feel free to checkout my open-source project Donald, a well-tested F# interface for ADO.NET which is vendor agnostic.